Saturday, September 14, 2024

M/V Charleston from above

 I saw the M/V Charleston was headed my way, but until I saw it, I didn't know it was traveling lightboat.

First, from Huntington's Sixth Street bridge. It's in black and white. That seems to fit the boat better.

Then a little while later at Catlettsburg.

If you're wondering, the Marathon boats are the Findlay in the foreground and the Galveston Bay in the background. I got some decent shots of the Findlay and the Mt Airy today that I will try to remember and post on here soon.

The Charleston stopped at what used to be Merdie Boggs. It was still there when I left Catlettsburg. You know you're getting old when you remember what was there better than what's there now.

Nighttime on the river

 Heading out for some nighttime fishing ...

... or heading home after being out too long?

We will probably never know.