Here are photos of the mv. Mountain State as it approached and entered the Robert C. Byrd Locks and Dam on the Ohio River this past Thursday afternoon/evening.
First, in the lower approaches, at about the 2,500-foot marker. These were taken from the West Virginia side, with the sun about to set behind the Ohio hills.
This photo didn't work the way I'd hoped. The sun was behind clouds, the water was too brown to reflect a lot of light, etc. etc. etc.
Here are two deckhands on the front of the tow as the Mountain State approaches the lower gates.
And I believe this is the boat as it enters the locks, as the sign in the background says "550."
We had a good afternoon. We got to see three boats up close, and Adam got a lesson in shutter speeds, apertures, depth of field and -- very important -- choosing your shots when you have only a few left on your camera.