Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Taking a short breather

There's news and such to catch up on. But that's going to take some heavy reading, and I'm spent from applying for several jobs in the past few days, with more to come later this week. Like a lot of other things, employment opportunities seem to come in bunches. I'm not very good and the process, and it's draining.

So before I get back into the hard stuff, I'll throw a few photos your way, if that's okay.

The first two come from a patch of thistles I saw along West Virginia Route 2 yesterday. The thistles didn't do as much for me as did the butterflies and bumblebees enjoying them. Here is a butterfly in search of a meal or something.

Here, a butterfly has been savoring this flower, but a bumblebee landed there, too. Two seconds later, the butterfly let the bee have the flower.

Here are three towboats -- the AEP Leader, the Detroit and the Paula Ruble. I've shot them all in color, and I wanted to see how they looked in black and white. I knew the Leader would look pretty good, as I have taken decent photos of its sister boats in black and white. The Detroit came out okay, but the Paula Ruble didn't. That's probably because the camera settings were off when I snapped the photo, and the image wasn't the best to work with.


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