Saturday, November 20, 2010

Adam's eyes

This morning Adam and I were out looking for a certain boat, which we did not find. We did, however, see a boat far off in the fog, about a mile away. I couldn't tell whether it was going upriver or down. This is  the photo that I took to get an idea which way it was going. This is cropped and magnified here. It was just a blur on my camera's screen.

Adam, though, took a look and decided it was going upriver. As it turns out, he was right. I've learned to trust his eyesight. He can stand on one side of the Big Sandy River and spot a heron in the woods on the other side. He can look down the river a mile into the sunset and give an accurate guess which company built a boat that I can barely see.

When I was his age, my eyes were already going bad. But his eyesight is something I envy. If he got a job on a boat, the pilot could turn off the radar.

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