Sunday, April 10, 2011

New towboat vs. new cousin

Adam is a bit sad tonight. He's at his grandmother's for a few days playing with his seven-month-old cousin, Izzy. While he was doing that, I saw the new Marathon towboat named the Marathon coming up the Ohio River just below the Robert C. Byrd Locks and Dam.

I told Adam he gets to play with Izzy, while I have to follow a towboat.

So tell me, which is prettier and more fun? The Marathon ...

... or cousin Izzy?

You make the call.


Anonymous said...

Just curious,are you aware of the name changes of the SuperAmerica to OHIO VALLEY and the Valvoline to Nashville.You seem very interested in towboats.Enjoy your site very much

ohio981 said...

As it happens, I was about to write a post on that when I saw your comment was her to be moderated. So here we go ...