Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My Mac died

Maybe "died" is too harsh of a word. From what my wife's cousin tells me via Facebook messaging, it may have a problem with the hard drive that prevents it from booting up when I turn it on. Because that's the computer that has all my photos (except those I copied to an external hard drive) and my good decent software, my photo posting may be light for a while. You know how it is when something goes bad and you can't afford to replace it.

My cousin says I should be able to retrieve the data on the hard drive. We'll have to see.

Meanwhile, here's one to keep things going. These are two gars in the aquarium in the Point Pleasant River Museum.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your computer problems. All of us who care about the western rivers will lose if you lose your pictures.

My friends on the Carolyn Ann made it to the head of the Monongahela and are now down bound on the Ohio. They plan to travel up the Kanawha Rv. to Charleston.

They are in a boat that does not look like a traditional pleasure boat - more like a work boat. It was designed by a MIT Naval Arch. who specializes in work boats. Maybe you will see them, and maybe you will say hello.

In any event, I'm glad I found your blog, and will continue to check in to view your new posts.

Thanks for the blog, the rivers are important.

Mike T.
Palm Coast FL.