Thursday, October 22, 2020

Str. Belle of Louisville at Greenup Locks and Dam


The Belle of Louisville is in my area for the first time, I am told, in 59 years. It's on its way to the Amherst Madison drydock at Gallipolis, Ohio, for Coast Guard inspection and whatever repair work is needed.

Tonight I caught it at the Greenup Locks and Dam. Normally the boat stops before dark, but tonight they had to make up time lost to fog this morning at Maysville, Ky. It was dark by the time the boat left the lock, but quite this dark. They got out of the lock and made for the Ohio shore where they could tie up for the night.

This is what happens when you use a lens that might not be totally suitable for night shots. But you make do with what you can afford. In my case, I can't afford $2,000 for a zoom lens with a big aperture.

Depending on the weather overnight, the boat could be in Gallipolis tomorrow (Friday) evening. It's about a 75-mile trip at 7 mph with one lock to make, but it's doable.

I have to work at my regular job (newspapering) and my irregular job (babysitting during breaks), but I hope to be able to see the boat in daylight as it passes through my area.

P.S. This is a real steamboat propelled by a real sternwheel. It's not a fakewheeler. As a true steamboat, it glides by you almost silently.

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