Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Unemployment and ducks

This past week has been a pretty frustrating one, river-wise. I've tried to write a freelance piece, without success. Oh, I could put together some second-rate stuff, but that's not me, at least when it comes to trying to build a reputation again.

I've almost accepted the fact that I won't be returning to my former line of work soon. There are lots of entry-level jobs out there, but I can't see relocating my family hundreds of miles to take a job paying less than half of what I formerly earned. I can do that here.

Maybe I'll go back to school and try to get a master's in a field that combines my writing skills, my hobby of math and my interest in photography. I'll have to make some inquiries there.

In the meantime, I'll keep shooting the Ohio River and its tributaries.

As part of that, here's a duck I saw yesterday at Huntington's Harris Riverfront Park. My youngest and I had been throwing bird seed into the water. Some seeds floated, and some ducks were interested only in them. Some sank, and some ducks would go under water to retrieve them. Like this guy/girl.

You've heard the expression, like water off a duck's back. In this case, it's like water off a duck's face.

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