Saturday, August 31, 2024

Tribute to the River, Part 3

Two more photos.

No, I don't intend to drag this out forever. For yesterday and today I'm posting the ones that would be the most newsworthy, for lack of a better term. I need a couple of days to go through the 400 or so that I shot and pick out maybe a dozen of the best to post here.

First, crowds gathered on Main Street today in anticipation of the ribboncutting of the new building for the Point Pleasant River Museum and Lakin Ray Cook Learning Center.

While we were inside, we got the first of four or five gullywashers. Between the first two, the sky teased us with white clouds on a Carolina blue background.

Right after I took this picture, sprinkles started. The downpour didn't come until an hour or so later, but they were intense when they hit.

August has been pretty good to me photographically. Every time I think I can go through what I got in an outing, another opportunity comes along. That means I will probably have something to do on the long winter nights to come.

Tribute to the River, Part 2

Four more photos from yesterday evening. Quick edits. Better ones to come, but I wanted the folks at the festival to see some before I go back up there today.

An overview taken when I got there.

On this one I cheated a little. The original is at an awkward angle, and when I straightened it out, I had to ask Photoshop to fill in a couple of small spaces in the upper left and lower right corners. I hate doing that, and when I do I normally advise the viewer of what I did.

Boats and more boats.

This one from the Nemacolin I had to work with a bit. I had to shoot from an awkward angle, and the lens distortion caused some problems. I need to come back to it one evening when I have plenty of time to work with it.