Sunday, October 10, 2010

mv. Detroit and others

Adam and I went up the Ohio River looking for the Detroit today, and we found more.

We went to the boat ramp at Cheshire, Ohio, to wait for the Detroit, and we lucked out as the boat was coming up as we got there. We watched it pass ....

... and went down to Addison, Ohio, to get a few more shots. Before the Detroit got there, the James E. Pinson came down the river lightboat.

As the Pinson passed, we saw the Detroit come around the bend. That's the Kyger Creek power plant in the background.

The next stop was Tu-Endie-Wie park at Point Pleasant, W.Va. The light wasn't good for shooting the boat there, as most of it was in shadow against a bright background. But we did see the Larry Y. Strain come out of the Kanawha lightboat.

Point Pleasant is a good place to find boats moving without barges.


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