Monday, October 10, 2011

Falls of the Kanawha as darkness falls

So Adam and I went up the Kanawha River because I wanted to show him (1) the London Locks and Dam and (2) the Falls of the Kanawha at Glen Ferris. Because of the security fence -- you have to keep the terrorists out by land, I guess, even if the place is wide open by river -- we didn't get a good picture of the dam.

But we got to Glen Ferris as dusk settled in. Ninety-some miles up the Kanawha, at or near the head of navigation, the river runs between some steep mountains. The sun sets early, and the valley is in shadow long before night really falls.

This old power plant is being restored, and it should be putting electricity back into the grid soon.

Now if I could only convey the sound of this place adequately...

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