Saturday, August 31, 2024

Tribute to the River, Part 2

Four more photos from yesterday evening. Quick edits. Better ones to come, but I wanted the folks at the festival to see some before I go back up there today.

An overview taken when I got there.

On this one I cheated a little. The original is at an awkward angle, and when I straightened it out, I had to ask Photoshop to fill in a couple of small spaces in the upper left and lower right corners. I hate doing that, and when I do I normally advise the viewer of what I did.

Boats and more boats.

This one from the Nemacolin I had to work with a bit. I had to shoot from an awkward angle, and the lens distortion caused some problems. I need to come back to it one evening when I have plenty of time to work with it. 

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